Case Study - MarketMesh Takealot Connector

MarketMesh is an easy and autonomous Shopify intergrator for popular Marketplaces in South Africa

Public App Development for Shopify


MarketMesh is our inhouse flagship product and a demonstration of our capabilities. A highly effective tool to integrate Shopify with Takealot with minimal user input.

The objective was to reduce the workload required in the Takealot Seller Portal managing orders, decifering statistics and remaining within SLA, automating as much as possible without the need to login to Takealot.

What the app does:

  • Informative dashboard:
    Revenue Gross
    Revenue Net
    Best Sellers

  • Inventory Sync stock on hand values to Takealot
    Never oversell

  • Price Modifier:

  • Buy Box Beater(Enhancer):
    Effectively track products and the Buy Box on competitive lines. Repricing items continuously and automatically to a minimum set within the application.

  • Automatic order creation, sync and fulfil in Shopify:

  • Offer creation in Takelot based on matching Barcode within Takealot catalogue:

  • Product creation in Shopify based on existing offers in Takealot:

All that remains for the merchant to take care of is packing orders, logistics and maintaining performing lines instock.

What we did

  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Admin Panel
  • Infrastructure
  • Database Design
  • Website
  • Billing
  • Accounting
  • Blog
  • Animation
  • Free Tool Kit
less user input requirement
increase in merchant sales
Reduction in miscalculated fees
Merchant Sales

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  • Lithuania - HQ
    Sunrise Tech Park
    Vilnius, Lithuania, 12124
  • Ukraine
    Uspenska Street
    Chernihiv, Ukraine, 14000
  • South Africa
    Pickering Street
    Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 6045
  • Estonia
    Veskiposti tn 2-1002
    Tallin, Estonia, 10138